

modern loneliness的相關標籤

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關於modern loneliness的評價, 李心潔 Sinje Lee

说一说…..父母 前一阵子,参加了一个心灵课程。 一位三十岁左右的男人出来做分享。 他在新加坡工作,去年得知妈妈的癌症复发,而且还开始扩散,心里很难过,也很纠结。 他问了一个长辈朋友他该选择留在新...

(EN below) 什麼幸福 // CABIN FEVER (原名:他X的幸福)now live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4ptQNxnxCQ 回到台北,在一個空蕩蕩、陌生的新宿舍裡隔離14天,人快瘋了。 歌詞蠻直白的:當初真的就是自我懷疑達到了最高峰,沒精神,沒有理由的大哭⋯⋯ 心想: 「wow,我又重新一次搬到地球的另一邊,是為何?」 之前 大大小小的事情在我心裡累積的陰影 突然就這樣被擴大了。 好恐怖。 寫了這首歌,是想去發洩一下情緒而已 原本是要先發行幾年前和 @skotsuyama 一起寫的「藍色天空」,但是覺得先把當下的情緒和大家分享,比較合適。 welcome to my dark thoughts 🤷‍♀️ Wrote this song in quarantine, as therapy to get over my slow descent into madness. (As all songwriting should tbh!) I was doubting my decision to give up my life in Montreal. But mainly, I was doubting myself. Imposter syndrome kicked in full gear. “Fck. I’m too old for this. I’m like everyone else. It’s not worth it” All that good stuff. But again, thank you, Skot & Ting, and the whole SKR crew, for still believing in me. Aaaand for liking this song too! The original plan was to release Blue Skies, a song I wrote with Skot a couple of years ago. But we figured this song should be the first single (much more fitting IMO). Thank you @brunoyen1111 for so accurately painting the picture of modern loneliness 👑 Thanks to all the actors for being so professional & fast, while I did nothing 😂 那天好享福喔,大家在後面超級忙,我坐在那裡動也不用動😂 你們辛苦了! 導演、剪接|顏士育 Bruno Yen 攝影|施郡欽 Lewis Shih @lewisshih_photography 燈光|劉家豪 Jia-Hao Liu 燈光助理|林柏傑 Po Chief Lin 場務|謝佳霖 Lynn Hsieh @jialin724 妝髮|平平 Naomi PP @st2102 妝髮助理|叔鈞 經紀 |魏麟懿 Alex Wei @_alexwei_ 美術協力|顏士軒 Nacl Yen @naclwei 換景演員|陶山、李可揚、魏麟懿、陳裔紘、謝佳霖、顏士軒、林庭竹

(EN below) 什麼幸福 // CABIN FEVER (原名:他X的幸福)now live...